Configuring enb in a cluster of computers

Thanks to the ray library, your code using enb can easily scale from one to multiple computers.

This cluster employs ray, ssh and sshfs, and does not require docker, k8s, AWS or anything similar. You will most easily set up all these tools on linux.

Multi-computer processing is only supported in enb in platforms where ray is available and working, to the best of our knowledge only Linux and MacOS. This feature is known not to work on Windows and disabled by default on that platform.


Using parallelization with ray with a one-computer cluster (the computer invoking your experiment script) is recommended when you have many dataset elements and/or tasks, which involve little processing per row.

First installation

In each computer of the cluster, you will need to do the following (once).

  1. Python version

    Install the same version of Python, 3.6 or newer. The revision number after 3.x is not important, e.g., 3.9.8 should be compatible with 3.9.9.

  2. Install enb See Installation for instructions on how to install enb in a single computer. In a nutshell:

    pip install enb

    Instructions for installing cluster-specific packages is shown below.


    If your code or the plugins you install require additional runtime dependencies, these will need to be installed manually in all nodes in the cluster.

  3. Install and configure ray

    • Install or check ray version

      The ray library is needed in all nodes participating in a cluster. This library is not installed by default from version 0.4.5 onwards. You can install it with:

      pip install ray[default]

      You may need to verify that the ray command is present in your PATH after installing ray.

    • Open ray ports

      Several ports need to be open in every node involved in the computation, including the head and the remote nodes. These are used by ray for communication between the nodes.


      It is critical to open ports on all machines for enb clusters to work.

      The exact ports needed on each cluster is given by the enb.config.options.ray_port and enb.config.options.ray_port_count variables when the first call to get_df is made. More specifically, ports from enb.config.options.ray_port to enb.config.options.ray_port + enb.config.options.ray_port_count - 1 (both included) are required.

      The default values for ray_port and ray_port_count are 11000 and 500, respectively. For these, ports 11000 to 11499 should be open. If you use ufw for firewalling, you can use or adapt the following command:

      sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 11000:11499 comment 'enb-ray'

      Please refer to your firewall documentation should you need a more restrictive rule configuration.


      You are encouraged to read the ray configuration manual for all information on what a ray cluster entails.


  1. Install and setup ssh

    In the head node starting the execution (the one that runs all non-parallel_decorator tasks), you need to set up an ssh client.

    You can install them on debian/ubuntu derivates with:

    sudo apt install openssh-client openssh-server


    You may want to create a specific ssh key for this purpose, e.g., with ssh-keygen.

    In all nodes, a ssh server need to be set up, and its port (22 by default) needs to be accessible from the head node. This port should not overlap with the ray ports open in the previous point.


    You can add the head node’s public key to the list of authorized, e.g., copying the contents of ~/.ssh/ into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

  2. Install sshfs

The sshfs tool is used to mount the project folder from the head node into all remote nodes. You can install it on debian/ubuntu derivates with:

sudo apt install sshfs
  1. Install vde2

The vde2 package provides the dpipe tool, which is also employed for remotely mounting the project folder on each remote node. You can install it on debian/ubuntu derivates with:

sudo apt install vde2

Running distributed experiments

Cluster configuration file

Once everything is set up in every node you want to use, you need an enb ssh cluster configuration file, e.g., enb_cluster.csv. You can install a template for this with

enb plugin install cluster-config .

The configuration file is simply a CSV with one row per remote node to be connected, with the following columns:

  • address: the address of the remote node.

  • ssh_user: the ssh login user on the remote node. If left blank, the current user is employed.

  • ssh_port: the remote node’s port where ssh is listening. If left blank, the default port (22) is used.

  • local_ssh_file: path to the ssh identity file for connecting to the remote node. If left blank, ssh’s default key is employed.

  • cpu_limit: maximum number of CPUs to be used on the remote node machine. If <= 0, then no limit is set for the node. Note that the number of CPUs to be used on the head node is given by enb.config.options.cpu_limit.

For instance, we you have a single remote node on with ssh listening on port 22, and for which the key is on ~/.ssh/id_rsa, the cluster configuration file would look like:



You can edit this file with most spreadsheet software, as long as you keep it in CSV format.


You can comment-out lines adding a # character at the beginning

Distributed script execution

Once the cluster configuration file is created, you simply need to run your script with –ssh_cluster_csv_path enb_cluster.csv, or set enb.config.options.ssh_cluster_csv_path in your code.


Parallelism is provided for the computation of enb.atable.ATable’s subclasses, i.e., when invoking their get_df() method. No other part of the code will be optimized in any special way via this mechanism. This comment also applies when scripts are run in a single computer.

Example project: Montecarlo pi

An installable template is provided for you to test local and distributed experiment execution. You can install it with:

enb plugin install montecarlo-pi mp

This will create an example experiment which approximates the value of pi by pseudorandom simulation.

To run it locally, simply execute

python mp/

which should provide something similar to the following:

............ [ Powered by enb (Experiment NoteBook) v0.3.3 ] ............

enb.config.options.ssh_cluster_csv_path is not set. You can do so with
Computed pi ~ 3.141595796875 using 1280000000 total samples on 1 nodes.

Once you have edited enb_cluster.csv with your cluster’s configuration, you can run it with

python mp/ --ssh_cluster_csv_path=enb_cluster.csv

An output similar to the following is expected:

............ [ Powered by enb (Experiment NoteBook) v0.3.3 ] ............

Using cluster configuration file at enb_cluster.csv
Computed pi ~ 3.141578978125 using 1280000000 total samples on 2 nodes.


The interested reader can re-run the experiment with -v to get information about the remote node connection process. The very interested reader may run it with -vv for full details.

Accessing files

When a remote node is connected, the project node of the head node is automatically mounted on ~/.enb-remote in that remote node.

When a column function is executed remotely, the current working dir is set to either the project root (in the head node) or to the remote mount of that folder in ~/.enb-remote for remote nodes.


Recall that column functions are those defined for enb.atable.ATable subclasses, and run for each row of the table.

Thanks to this, relative paths should work in both the head and the remote nodes (unless you fiddle with os.chdir). It should be noted that:

  • You can write to the file within project directory from your enb.atable.ATable column functions. Beware that all data will potentially be transmitted from a remote node to the head node.

  • You can also read from files inside your project folder. Again, beware that all read data may need to be transmitted from the head node to the remote node.

As a result, unless bandwidth is unlimited, it is preferable not to store big files inside the project root if they need to be read or written from column functions.

For read-only access to big files, using symbolic links is recommended. To do so,

  1. Copy your datasets to the head node and each remote node somewhere outside your project folder, e.g., /data/corpus1.

  2. In your project root (in the head node), make a symbolic link to the external dataset, e.g.,

    ln -s /data/corpus1 datasets/corpus1
  3. When your code accesses dataset/corpus1, the following things happen:

    1. The dataset/corpus1 path is retrieved from the project root, or its mounted counterpart on remote nodes.

    2. Python translates this path into /data/corpus1.

    3. Data are read from or written to /data/corpus1, which is a regular (not remotely mounted) folder. The head and remote nodes do not need to communicate to obtain these data.

Ray port testing

If the previous example worked fine for you, you can safely skip this part. If you encountered any problems, you may want to test ray in an isolated way.

The following aspects are assumed:

  • The default port configuration (ray_port=11000, ray_port_count=500) is employed.

  • The head node where the script is initially run is on

  • There is one remote node in

  • The steps described above for the first installation are followed for both the head and the remote node. In particular, ports 11000 to 11499 (both included) are open on both nodes.

First, on, start ray

ray start --head --port=11000 --ray-client-server-port=11001 \
    --node-manager-port=11002 --object-manager-port=11003 \
    --gcs-server-port=11004 \
    --min-worker-port=11005 --max-worker-port=11499

Second, on, start ray

ray start --address= --ray-client-server-port=11001 \
    --node-manager-port=11002 --object-manager-port=11003 \
    --min-worker-port=11005 --max-worker-port=11499

Finally, on either node, run ray status and verify that two nodes are available. You probably want to run ray stop on all nodes after this test.

======== Autoscaler status: 2021-12-27 14:06:40.064813 ========
Node status
 1 node_4d5e84c3a751e96c939cf08d4e51365ea4fec8c0ab07612e69133a51
 1 node_2006b6b12eca9f744688952c097379053ef8bd59a8dacc2bcd7b4599
 (no pending nodes)
Recent failures:
 (no failures)

 0.0/16.0 CPU
 0.0/1.0 GPU
 0.00/24.661 GiB memory
 0.00/11.109 GiB object_store_memory

 (no resource demands)