enb.plugins.plugin_ccsds122 package


enb.plugins.plugin_ccsds122.ccsds122_codec module

Wrapper for the CCSDS 122.1 (MHDC) codec

class enb.plugins.plugin_ccsds122.ccsds122_codec.MHDC_Abstract(wavelet_2d_type='Integer', bin_dir=None, output_invocation_dir=None, target_rate_bpppc=None)

Bases: LosslessCodec, WrapperCodec

Default values as in Green Book

__init__(wavelet_2d_type='Integer', bin_dir=None, output_invocation_dir=None, target_rate_bpppc=None)
  • wavelet_2d_type – “Integer” for lossless 2D DWT, “Float” for lossy 2D DWT

  • target_rate_bpppc – if not None, it selects a target rate in bpppc for each iamge

get_compression_params(original_path, compressed_path, original_file_info)

Return a string (shell style) with the parameters to be passed to the compressor.

Same parameter semantics as AbstractCodec.compress().


original_file_info – a dict-like object describing original_path’s properties (e.g., geometry), or None

get_decompression_params(compressed_path, reconstructed_path, original_file_info)

Return a string (shell style) with the parameters to be passed to the decompressor. Same parameter semantics as AbstractCodec.decompress().


original_file_info – a dict-like object describing original_path’s properties (e.g., geometry), or None


Return a string with the transformation params for each subclass.

class enb.plugins.plugin_ccsds122.ccsds122_codec.MHDC_ID(wavelet_2d_type='Integer', bin_dir=None, output_invocation_dir=None, target_rate_bpppc=None)

Bases: MHDC_Abstract


Return a string with the transformation params for each subclass.

property label

Label to be displayed for the codec. May not be strictly unique nor fully informative. By default, self’s class name is returned.

class enb.plugins.plugin_ccsds122.ccsds122_codec.MHDC_IWT(bin_dir=None, output_invocation_dir=None, wavelet_2d_type='Integer', target_rate_bpppc=None)

Bases: MHDC_Abstract

__init__(bin_dir=None, output_invocation_dir=None, wavelet_2d_type='Integer', target_rate_bpppc=None)

wavelet_2d_type – determines the type of DWT applied

in the spatial domain.


Return a string with the transformation params for each subclass.

property label

Label to be displayed for the codec. May not be strictly unique nor fully informative. By default, self’s class name is returned.

class enb.plugins.plugin_ccsds122.ccsds122_codec.MHDC_POT(bin_dir=None, output_invocation_dir=None, F=32, Omega=12, wavelet_2d_type='Integer', target_rate_bpppc=None)

Bases: MHDC_Abstract

__init__(bin_dir=None, output_invocation_dir=None, F=32, Omega=12, wavelet_2d_type='Integer', target_rate_bpppc=None)
  • wavelet_2d_type – “Integer” for lossless 2D DWT, “Float” for lossy 2D DWT

  • target_rate_bpppc – if not None, it selects a target rate in bpppc for each iamge


Return a string with the transformation params for each subclass.

property label

Label to be displayed for the codec. May not be strictly unique nor fully informative. By default, self’s class name is returned.

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